909 S. Thierman Road
Spokane, WA 99212
(509) 926-2753
The information on this page was designed to provide relevant information for persons who want more information about Woodlawn Cemetery as well as for those interested in planning or purchasing a memorial option at Woodlawn or any of our other six cemeteries and memorial parks. It is our hope the information on this page will assist you in getting the information you desire. The links below can allow you to jump to specific section of interest to you.
Meet with a Woodlawn Cemetery Family Service Representative.
Begin the planning process to reduce anxiety and stress.
Discover which memorial options are best for the needs of you and your family.
Understand the options, costs, and options for traditional burial or cremation memorialization.
Meetings can be held in your home, our office, over the phone, or through video chat (for in person meetings, we will follow all current communicable disease guidelines).
Woodlawn Cemetery is a small 2 acre cemetery located on the western edge of the Spokane Valley. The cemetery was established in 1888 as Englewood Cemetery. Originally founded by the Methodist Church and later abandoned, the property came under the control of Spokane County. In July of 2000, Spokane County deeded the property to Fairmount Memorial Association with the promise that we would turn it into a viable cemetery. Today Woodlawn Cemetery is a picturesque park set among a local neighborhood.

While Woodlawn is the smallest of all of Fairmount Associations parks and cemeteries, it is arguably one of the oldest, with earliest records indicating the cemetery was established in 1887 (one year before Fairmount Memorial Park).
The cemetery was established by the Southern Methodist Church. However, a year after its establishment the name of the cemetery was changed to Englewood Cemetery.
The last burial in the cemetery was to take place in 1968, after which began several decades of neglect and decline.
Tragically, many of the original headstones are markers were lost during this time, although neighborhood volunteers have done a remarkable job or identifying many of the grave sites (many of which are at least one hundred years old).
In the late 1990's, local neighbors began to volunteer their time and energy to try and restore or protect the park, and to bring attention to the plight of this historic cemetery, which was now under the control of Spokane County.
Becoming aware of the plight of Woodlawn, and its historical importance to the community and the memory of loved ones interred there, Fairmount Memorial Association began talking with the county about how they might be able to help. In 2003 the county deeded Woodlawn Cemetery to Fairmount Memorial Association, which undertook a multi-year rehabilitation project which was completed in 2003.
With the cemetery restored to a state that would have made the original founders proud, Woodlawn is once again a place of beauty and honor for generations of Spokane and Valley residents.

Woodlawn Cemetery prior to Fairmount Memorial Association renovations.
Discover traditional and more contemporary memorials, tributes and options available at Fairmount Memorial Association parks and cemeteries:
For questions or information about making arrangements at Woodlawn Cemetery, our caring staff would be pleased to hear from you. If you would like to speak to one of our Family Service Representatives, use the contact form below, call the cemetery office (509) 926-2753 or send us an email at information@fairmountmemorial.com